Jazmine Linklater

Jasmine Linklater

Thought Forms

After Lisa Robertson

I’ve tasted the saltwater kisses of men
Their facsimile technicolour. But I know too
The plushness of wadding, the impeccable problem
Of plump underfoot fabric. It seems comfortable.
I know unavoidably that the seemingly playful
Is dreadfully meaningful, and I balk.
A woman must continually watch the men.
After, the women can watch the women
Watching themselves being canonised.
We will write the world down
The world listening deeply
Our feet submerged in shore-sand.

JASMINE LINKLATER has published the pamphlets Towards Passion According (Zarf, 2017) and Découper, Coller (Dock Road Press, 2018). She works for T-Junction International Poetry Festival and Carcanet Press, and co-organises No Matter, a feminist reading & performance series in Manchester.