Maryam Hessavi

Maryam Hessavi


It’s so obvious to walk into sea
WATER    to feel alive because the cold
FILLS    around the bottom of your
BODY    and it’s so obvious to walk
OUT    when the cold has adjusted and you
can’t feel it anymore    to feel ALIVE
    and HEAVIER    and DRIPPING and
it’s so obvious to hope the sun is out
so that you can walk and APPRECIATE
    DRYING in the SUN    or to hope for
HAIL      and COLD    that makes you
JUST    COLDER    while you tread and
quiver home. It’s so obvious for a woman
to do this

MARYAM HESSAVI is a Manchester-based poet and critic, with work appearing in various magazines. She is a Ledbury Critic and member of the Poets & Players reading series.